Baby says dada like a boss!!!! Won’t say mama.

In the heartwarming world of baby’s first words, it seems like “Dada” has taken center stage, leaving “Mama” just around the corner. This adorable little one has chosen their words with a sense of flair and a touch of mischief.

Every parent eagerly awaits those magical first words, and in this household, the moment was nothing short of spectacular. The baby, with chubby cheeks and a twinkle in their eye, uttered “Dada” with confidence and enthusiasm, much to the delight of their doting father.



The proud dad couldn’t help but celebrate this momentous occasion with a triumphant grin. The baby had said “Dada” like a little boss, and the whole family was overjoyed. But, where was “Mama” in all of this linguistic magic?

Despite the playful preference for “Dada,” the family knew that “Mama” was just waiting to make her grand entrance into the baby’s vocabulary. After all, a baby’s journey of language is filled with surprises, and every word is a precious milestone.

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