“Twin cry hysterically when we sing them ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and stop when we sing ‘The Itsy Bitsy Spider’.”

Parenthood is a journey filled with surprises, and one thing every parent quickly learns is that every child is unique in their own special way. This truth couldn’t be more evident than in the case of a pair of twin boys who seem to have a rather unconventional taste in lullabies.

For most parents, the soothing strains of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” are a tried-and-true method to lull their little ones into a peaceful slumber. However, for these twin boys, it’s a completely different story. Whenever their parents start singing the beloved classic from “The Wizard of Oz,” the twins respond with hysterical tears and wails that could rival any Hollywood drama.

But here’s where things get truly fascinating: the tears stop flowing almost instantaneously when their parents switch gears and serenade them with “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” It’s as if this whimsical nursery rhyme possesses some magical power over these two young souls, instantly transforming their cries of distress into fits of giggles and smiles.



The mystery of these contrasting reactions has left their parents both bewildered and amused. Is it the soothing simplicity of the spider’s tale that puts them at ease, or could it be the rhythmic repetition of the song that strikes a chord with their tiny hearts? Perhaps they simply have an unexplainable aversion to rainbows?

While it may remain an unsolved mystery, one thing is for certain: these twin boys have a unique musical taste that defies conventional wisdom. As they continue to grow and develop, who knows what other surprises they have in store for their doting parents? In the meantime, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” seems to be the key to a peaceful night’s sleep in this household, and their parents are more than happy to oblige their peculiar preference. After all, when it comes to parenting, sometimes you have to sing to the beat of your own (itsy bitsy) spider.

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